Download Our building Catalog & Pricelist
Fill out the form here to download your catalog and pricelist.
We are storage building specialists. We can build Sheds And Storage Buildings In PA and deliver the storage shed of your dreams to you. Check out our in-stock sheds or give us a call and we’ll design custom sheds in Pa just for you.
Fill out the form here to download your catalog and pricelist.
We can design and build pretty much any kind of building you are looking for. From a simple mini-barn style storage shed to an elaborate studio we will get you something unique and beautiful.
Need financing? We have options!
-and more!
Get the financing options you need right here in house.
We don't cheap out on these storage shed structures. We use high quality lumber like you would use in a high-end home, toughen up the floors with LP ProStruct floors, finish the outside with top grade paints and urethanes.
Our goal is to make you as happy as possible. It starts with making sure you find what you're looking for, then fulfilling our commitments, then following up to make sure you are happy. It's what we do.
If you want to bring in a wad of cash and buy a storage shed, we're good with that but most of us use other methods. We can take credit cards, checks, financing options, and online payment if you would rather do things over the phone or online.
Flowerboxes, shutters, shelves, lofts, extra doors, windows, lights, and lots more... We can add pretty much anything to your building to make it your own.
We now have Clearance Outdoor Furniture available! Click Here to view our Clearance Outdoor Furniture!
-12 Month Same As Cash Program
-Lowest total cost of ownership.
-Must be paid in full within 12 Months to avoid interest
Apply for FinancingCheck out all the furniture right here on and once you've got your furniture picked out you can apply for financing right here.
You’ll receive a near-instant response. You can then proceed with financing the playset solution you want.
Your repayment plan features no interest if repaid in full within 12-months. (regular monthly payments required)
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Financing is provided by Holiday Financial with fixed payments and fixed APR.
You will receive an approval status call or email from Holiday Financial.
Starting at zero down with fixed payments and fixed APR.
Instant approval status online or in-person.
Lowest total cost of ownership.
Pay overtime for the things you need.
There’s no credit check and no penalty for early buyout or cancellation.
This is your most flexible path to ownership.
Apply for Rent-To-Own